To make sure you’re ‘in the know’ about upcoming dates and deadlines in the UK accounting tax calendar, we’ve popped them all into a handy list so they’re in one place. All you need to do now is pop the dates in your diary or print this page out and pin it up for a bit of numbers-based artwork if that’s your thing.


2025 Accounting Calendar


January 14th:

CT61 Income Tax Due Date

Filing for CT61 Income Tax for the quarter to 31st December due.


 January 31st:

Self-Assessment Tax Return Deadline

Deadline to file your Self-Assessment Tax Return for the tax year ending 5th April 2024


Income Tax Payments Due

First Payment on Account for Income Tax is due for the financial year 2024/2025 and balancing payment for 2023/2024.


February 2nd:

P46 Deadline for Car/Fuel Benefit Changes

Final Day to submit P46 (Car) for employees whose car/fuel benefits changed during the quarter to 5th January 2025.


March 1st:

Advisory Fuel Rates

Advisory fuel rates for company car users to be used from this date.


March 26th:

HM Treasury Spring Budget 2025


March 31st:

Stamp Duty holiday ends

SDLT thresholds of £425,000 for first-time buyers, and £250,000 for everyone else will revert back to previous levels of £300,000 for first-time buyers and £125,000 for everyone else.



National Minimum Wage Increases

National living wage       £12.21

18-21 year olds               £10.00

16-17 year olds               £7.55

Apprentice                        £7.55


Business Rates

A 40% rates discount begins for businesses in the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors. This is up to a cash cap of £110,000.


April 5th:

End of 2025 Tax Year

The last day of the tax year of 2025.


For employees

This is the last date to claim a refund for tax overpaid in earlier years. 5th April 2025 is an important tax rebate date – the deadline for claims relating to tax year 2020/2021.


Pension contributions & State Pension deadline

Last day to make pension contributions that qualify for tax relief in the 2024/25 tax year.

Voluntary contributions to fill in any gaps in your NI record which can give your state pension a potential boost must be made before the end of the day.


April 6th:

Start of 2026 Tax Year

The first day of the new tax year, 2026. New tax rates come into effect.


Employers National Insurance changes

Employers NI is increasing from 13.8% to 15% as well as the earnings limit reducing from £9,100 to £5,000.

Employment Allowance increases from £5,000 to £10,500


Increased turnover and balance sheet thresholds in annual accounts

The new rules increase thresholds by approximately 50% on the turnover and balance sheet criteria that determines whether a company is a micro-entity, small, medium-sized, or large, for the purpose of reporting and audit requirements, under the Companies Act 2006


Capital Gains Tax

The rate of Capital Gains Tax that applies to Business Asset Disposal Relief and Investors’ Relief changes from 10% to 14% for disposals made on or after 6 April 2025, and from 14% to 18% for disposals made on or after 6 April 2026

Important to note: the main rates of Capital Gains Tax that apply to assets other than residential property and carried interest changed from 10% and 20% to 18% and 24% respectively, for disposals made on or after 30 October 2024


Double Cab Pick-Up Classification

DCPUs will now be classified as cars for both Benefit-in-kind and Capital Allowance purposes.


New Furnished Holiday Let rules

The tax advances that were associated with owning an FHL are no longer and all FHLs are to be treated in line with long term residential lets.


HMRC interest rate increase

HMRC late payment interest rate to rise from 2.5% over base rate to 4% over base rate


April 19th:

Final PAYE Return Deadline for Employers

Deadline to file final PAYE Return for Employers for periods 6th April 2024 to 5th April 2025


April 30th:

Annual Tax on Enveloped Dwellings returns

Deadline for submitting ATED returns and making tax payments for the period from 1st April 2025 to 31st March 2026.

Deadline for submission of relief declaration return, if you are eligible.


May 3rd:

P46 Deadline for Car/Fuel Benefit Changes

Final day to submit P46 (Car) for employees whose car/fuel benefits changed during the quarter to 5th April 2025.


May 31st:

P60 Deadline for 24/25

Deadline for employees to receive P60 for the 2024/2025 tax year.

For employers

This is the final date for giving employees a P60 form. This form shows employees how much taxable salary they were paid in the previous year and how much Income Tax was deducted for their wages.


June 1st:

Advisory Fuel Rates

Advisory fuel rates for company car users to be used from this date.


July 5th:

PAYE Settlement Agreement Deadline

Deadline to reach PAYE Settlement Agreement for the 2024/2025 tax year.


July 6th: P11D Deadline for 24/25

Submissions for P11D due for the 2024/2025 tax year.

For employers

This is the final date for submitting a P11d form to HMRC and giving employees a copy. This form provides information on any taxable benefits or expenses paid to employers or directors in the previous tax year.


Reporting of Share Incentives Deadline

Returns of information on employees Share Incentive should be filed on or before this date.


July 31st:

Second Payment on Account Deadline

Deadline for Second Payments on Account for self-assessment filers.


August 2nd:

P46 Deadline for Car/Fuel Benefit Changes

Final Day to submit P46 (Car) for employees whose car/fuel benefits changed during the quarter to 5th July 2025.


September 1st:

Advisory Fuel Rates

New Advisory Fuel Rates (AFR) for company car users come into force today.


October 5th:

Self-Assessment Registration Deadline

Deadline to submit Self-Assessment Registration to HMRC, including Income/Capital Gains.


October 31st:

Paper SA Tax Returns Deadline

All paper Self-Assessment tax returns are due at the end of October for the 2024/25 tax year


November 2nd:

P46 (Car) Submission Deadline

Final day to submit P46 (Car) for employees whose car/fuel benefits changes during the quarter to 5th October 2025.


December 1st:

Advisory Fuel Rates

New Advisory Fuel Rates (AFR) for company car users come into force today.


December 30th

Overdue Tax Collection to be collected monthly

Deadline for anyone who is self-employed but also receives income under PAYE to elect to have overdue tax collected monthly under a PAYE tax code. To qualify, income must be less than £3,000 and the person must submit an online Self-Assessment tax return by that date.



As well as the above dates, there are many recurring monthly and quarterly deadlines and due dates to be aware of.



VAT registered only

VAT Return submission and payment deadline.

The deadline for VAT Return submission and payments of any liability is on the 7th, 1 month and 7 days after the period end.

Example: VAT return period ending 31st March 2025 is due for submission and payment on the 7th May 2025



Limited Companies Only

Corporation Tax Quarterly Instalment Due Date

Quarterly instalment payments of corporation tax must be paid on the 14th after the end of the month.



Contractors Only

Monthly CIS returns must be filed by the 19th

Example: Period ending 5th April 2025 must be filed by the 19th April 2025


Employers Only

Deadline for postal CIS, NICs and PAYE payment

Postal CIS, NICs and PAYE payment must reach HMRC by the 19th of the month.



Employers Only

Electronic remittance Deadline for CIS, NICs and PAYE

Electronic CIS, NICs and PAYE payment must be completed on the 22nd if you pay monthly or quarterly.



Annual Due Dates for Limited Companies


12 months after year-end:

Annual Filing Corporation Tax Due Date

Limited Companies Only

Corporation tax return filing is due 12 months after the end of a limited company’s financial year.


9 months after year-end:

Company Accounts Filing Due Date Companies House

Limited Companies Only

9 months after your accounting period, annual accounts must be filed with Companies House.


9 months and 1 day after year-end

Corporation Tax Payment due date

9 months and 1 day after your accounting period, a Company’s Corporation Tax Liability is due for payment.


Other Important Dates

Report and pay Capital Gains Tax on residential property

You have 60 days from completion on your residential land and/or property to declare and pay any Capital Gains Tax Liability.


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